Tag Archives: Dust in lungs


So… Every year when I go to Coachella, I come back with about 6 months (not exaggerating) of Coachella Cough. What is it? Who knows… 3-4 days inhaling polo field dust, lack of sleep, dehydration (although I’m generally pretty good at drinking lots of water), lack of sleep, too much dancing, all of the above.

I got CC when I stayed in Palm Springs & drove in everyday, then I still got it when I camped for the weekend.

imageThis year, I decided to battle the inevitable. I personally believe that CC has a lot to do with the dust, so I decided I would buy a face mask. I was about to just buy a box of cheapies, but I did want to look halfway decent in my health protecting mask, so I visited the Coachella message boards. Many people recommended Vogmask. I looked them up & they’re cute, plus they offer N99 protection. While I didn’t wear the mask the entire time, I did put it on whenever I could see dust in the air, when the wind kicked up, or as we were walking in & out of the shuttle bus lot (where the fields are dustiest.)

I definitely notice a difference. I don’t have endless amounts of black stuff coming out of my nose & I don’t feel super congested. I did lose my voice though & since returning home, it has developed into a bit of a sore throat. Time with tell if this is the beginning of Coachella Cough, or just the aftermath of screaming, singing, too much fun…

To help my body recover from whatever this is, I went out & stocked up on some body healing foods: lemons, limes, tea, bananas, grapefruit, cranberry juice, garlic & carrots. Most of these are whole, but I wanted to get cranberry juice already made, so I could drink it right away. I made sure that I got one with no added sweeteners or “natural flavors” (whatever those may be.) Apparently, my only source of cranberry juice prior to this has been one mixed with vodka, because this doesn’t taste like the cranberry juice I’ve grown to love… Cranberries are sour!

In any case, I will keep you all posted & hopefully my throat pain will be all cleared up in a couple of days.

Happy Coachella (comedown)!